Most adults who were glasses go in to see their Doctor each year or two for an annual exam, making sure there are no changes in their prescription. You read use the computer drive and put strain on your eyes in many ways, but what about our children. Our young ones are growing and active and since they may not communicate with you problems they may or may not be experiencing it is up to us as parents to not only look for warning signs but to be proactive and have their eyes checked on a regular basis.
Children should have their first comprehensive eye exam at six months old, according the American Optometric Association, again at three years old and one more time prior to entering kindergarten, after that an exam every two years is recommended.
Our children are around social media devices, cell phones and video games which require the use of the eyes in a more strenuous way than decades ago, take the time and make sure you help catch any potential problems before they occur.

Acetate Frames Slipping? Here’s How We Stop It
A common problem with acetate eyeglass frames is that they slip down your nose. And although the frames may look good, they’re a hassle because