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Eyeglass Repair Tips for Emergency Repairs

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I was traveling recently for business when I stumbled. My glasses fell off my face and my lens popped out of my rimless frame.

As I’m the kind of guy to turn disappointment into opportunity, I decided to share 3 of my favorite temporary fixes for common eyeglass repairs. Here they are:

# 1 – Lens pops out of a rimless or semi-rimless frame

Get a piece of ribbon and loop it around the monofilament. Use the ribbon to pull the monofilament aside so you can partially slip the lens back into the frame. Keep sliding the ribbon down the length of the monofilament, which will place the monofilament into the grove along the edge of the lens. When the monofilament is completely in the grove, pull the ribbon free.

# 2 – Lost screw on the hinge

Use a paperclip. Open it up and feed one end of the clip through the hinge, and then bend it below the hinge so the clip can’t fall out. Use a wire cutter to trim off the excess paper clip. You can also use a bread tie and twist so that it is tight. Please never use glue.

# 3 – Loose hinges on your frames

A great temporary fix for this problem is small rubber bands. Slide one up each arm of your glasses until the rubber band rests in the V-shaped gap between the frames and the arm.  The rubber bands serve to pull the arms tighter against the temples.

These are good temporary eyeglass repairs. For more permanent solutions, come see the experts at All American Eyeglass Repair. We have 17 locations around the country, and you can mail us your glasses for same day repairs.


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